Nancy Hungerford Bio
As of 2024, Nancy Hungerford is 38 years old, having been born in 1986.
Nancy Hungerford is 5 feet 6 inches tall.
Nancy Hungerford boasts an impressive educational background. She earned her Master’s degree in European Political Economy with distinction from the London School of Economics and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Foreign Affairs and History from the University of Virginia.
Hungerford was raised in a small town near Candlewood Lake in Connecticut. She spent numerous summers in Burgenland, Austria, with her Austrian relatives following Austria’s independence in 1955. Later, she relocated to New York City, where she served as President of Creative Color, The Print Lab, and Republic Color, Inc.
Spouse and Children
Nancy Hungerford is married to Nick Hungerford. They were married in 2016 and subsequently relocated to Singapore when Nancy received a job offer to anchor at CNBC. The couple has a daughter.
Nancy is a prominent journalist and news anchor with a distinguished career, primarily at CNBC. She has gained recognition for her extensive coverage of global markets, economic trends, and major financial news. Her work involves interviewing influential figures in the business world and delivering detailed analysis. Nancy’s career has afforded her international experience, having worked in CNBC bureaus in Singapore and London, which has enriched her understanding of global financial markets. She has also been actively involved in special coverage of major economic events, including summits and financial crises, showcasing her expertise in financial journalism and her skill in analyzing complex economic issues.
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